We stand behind the quality of the products we sell. While cases are rare, damages do happen once in a while. You must inspect your package for damage before signing the delivery receipt or proof of delivery.
When you open the crate, do a visual inspection from bottom to top quickly. Make sure everything is has arrived safely, and look for anything that looks off.
Take pictures of anything that looks damaged or doesn't look correct to you, even if you don't know if it's necessarily damaged.
You also want to make sure that anything and everything is noted on the BOL. Please take a look at the top of the crate as well and how it arrived. Did it look like it was pressed down? Are there any damages to any other part of the shipment, as well? Pictures are a MUST, and noting all this information on the BOL as detailed as you can is extremely helpful. Once any damages or missing pieces are noted on the BOL, you can sign off and start to fully unpack your shipment. Do not refuse the shipment. As long as you've noted everything on the BOL and taken pictures, we can absolutely help.
Products not shipped in the original packaging will not be covered by CopperSmith and will NOT BE ELIGIBLE for return, exchange, or replacement, if applicable.
To file a damage claim:
- Contact us within three (3) calendar days of delivery - After three business days, CopperSmith will not assume any responsibility for shipping damage or shortage.
- Include photographs of the damaged item and packaging along with your damage claim information.
- Please note that pictures are required to process damage claims, and we will not be able to process your claim without photographs.
- Photographs must be clear and attached to your claim within three (3) calendar days.
CopperSmith is not liable for indirect, special, or consequential damages or lost working time in the unlikely event of a delivery being delayed, postponed, or incorrect.
CopperSmith’s products are for indoor use only, unless explicitly specified, and as such will not cover the cost for damaged or defective items if the product(s) was made damaged or defective due to customer negligence.
If you have any questions concerning your order or delivery, please call us at 1-888-431-4677 or contact us.